Titan Headset design
There are three different types of headsets: Aheadsetâ„¢, integrated and internal (semi-integrated headsets)
Aheadsetsâ„¢ are mostly used in 1, 1 1/8 and 1.5 inch steer tubes, which means that the bearings lie outside the frame in pressed-in cups. Internal headsets, sometimes called semi-integrated headsets, are mainly available for 1 1/8 inch and tapered versions, even though they also regularly come in mixed versions with the upper bearing being internal and the lower bearing being an Aheadâ„¢.
A 1 1/8 inch Aheadsetâ„¢ requires a 34 mm (interior diameter) head set, which makes it one of the lightest possible frame options. 1 1/8 inch head tubes for internal headsets, on the other hand, achieve greater rigidity by using a 44 mm head tube but are slightly heavier than Aheadsetsâ„¢. Tapered headsets are for those riders looking for maximum rigidity and are not overly concerned about weight.
It is arguably the case that in mountain biking, tapered forks are on the rise, for example amongst off-roaders, freeriders and downhill riders. Touring cyclists carrying heavy loads sometimes opt for a tapered or 1.5 inch version in order to ensure precise handling in spite of the high weight. If you have any questions regarding any of our headsets, please do not hesitate to contact us.