This bike goes to a Belgian customer who was looking for a lightweight, low-maintenance bike that would get him to his destination as quickly and comfortably as possible. Due to back pain, a relatively upright sitting position was chosen. Accordingly, the lower-grip position on the handlebar is unnecessary for the customer, so we installed a lighter Bullhorn handlebar instead. The frame geometry was designed based on Retül specifications. The frame also holds a Gates belt in combination with the Rohloff Speedhub and the new Cinq brake levers. Other high-quality premium attachment parts reduce weight. A Schmidt hub dynamo and front/rear light. Fast and light Conti tires with low rolling resistance but still high flat tire protection. This frame was built with our "Classic" tube set, which has tubes with a thinner diameter than a standard frame. Based on this frame, we have now constructed the s Rohloff Randonneur & Gravel standard frame. The geometry is based on the s Gravel, but "Gates Ready" with an EBB, an eccentric bottom bracket.